Triumvirate Pi Theatre 

About Us

Nina J. Silver, Chie Saito & Rosalie Tucker in "DOES HE KNOW" at the Electric Lodge

Tri-Pi Theatre was formed in 2001... response to a movement of Los Angeles theater makers to break out of the mold of "conventional presentations" and to stretch the boundaries of intimate theatre.  Our productions have included innovative puppetry, diverse casting in race, gender, and disability, a striving for equitable inclusion whenever possible, and a commitment to reach out to women artists and to tell women's stories.  We are proud to be the first company in town to have captioned shows at all our performances, realizing that not only are the writer's words important for Deaf audiences and those with less English fluency, but those words are the heart of the play, and should be allowed to convey their meaning with clarity and visual force.
Thai performers Waewdao Sirisook and Ronnarang Kampha (shadow) from Sideshow Angel/Theptida Bahi

Find out more...

If you would like more information about our shows, upcoming events, or if you'd like to volunteer or help out, please get in touch using the form below.  We rely on volunteers and word of mouth, and appreciate our community connections.
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Under Artistic Director Leslie K. Gray, Tri-Pi Theatre has continued to push boundaries and create exciting new performance work for adults and families.  From arts education, social justice issues, under-represented voices, venturing into international collaborations and beyond, we look forward to what lies on the horizon for theatre expression and the interpretation of our shared human experience by seeing Life and all its details up close, in person, and...on stage!